Thursday, November 10, 2011

With Gratitude

You can call me slow, but I just realized that Thanksgiving is two weeks away. Two weeks from today, which is a blink of an eye in my world lately, is a day set aside to give thanks. Since the time is near, I thought I'd briefly reflect on what I am thankful for.

In the most immediate context, I am thankful for my recent installation as Pastor of Community Presbyterian Church. Although we moved here in July and I began my service on August 1 (which seems like a really long time ago!), the Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area installed me in a very lovely worship service on Sunday night. I am thankful for all of the many hands that made such a service possible. (And I know that the danger of attempting to list some means that I will surely forget someone - my apologies in advance!) Thank you to Belinda Strain for (not only chairing the pastor nominating committee - I still need to find out why it is called the 1494 club!) but for leading the organization of the dinner. Your charge to the congregation was incredibly thoughtful and demonstrates (to me, at least) how the process (and being in leadership) has shaped you and I admire your ability to reflect at such depth. Thank you to the congregation and the PNC for the gift basket and quilt. The three cross quilt is already hanging on a wall in my office (thanks especially to Bonnie Bosma for your handiwork).

And thanks also to my dear friend Trace Haythorn, who travelled all the way from Atlanta to share some time with me in Minnesota. Although it has been a number of years, it seemed like yesterday, by the way we jumped right into relating to one another again. Your words and wisdom about "coming home to a place I didn't even know about" ring true as I continue to settle into life and ministry here in Plainview.

I'm grateful for Community Presbyterian Church...and for the great privilege of serving as your pastor. I look forward to growing together for many years to come.

On a more personal note, I am grateful for the space that living in Plainview provides me, both the physical space and the spiritual space. Plainview is a town of big sky. I live just blocks from the edge of town and I love to watch the sunset over the corn field at the end of my street. Something inside me expands and releases when I am able to contemplate the wonders of God's creation. But I am also thankful for the spiritual space. I am ever-so-confident and content in knowing that my God has called me to this specific place so that I can continue to grow in my own understanding of who I am and where I fit in to God's kingdom of love and grace. I sense that God is preparing me for a time of rich inner-growth as I push head-on into the task(s) of ministry ahead of me. More on that later, I am sure...

This weekend, I will be taking 7 members of the confirmation class to the Presbyterian Clearwater Forest for a retreat. I am thankful for the weekend away to build relationships with young people. I am thankful for Steve Jack (who will be preaching on Sunday).

My heart is filled with gratitude. Praise God from whom all blessings flow...
Humbly, Pastor John

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