Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Membership: The Ministry of Members

Membership: The Ministry of Members

Dear Friends,

On Sunday, March 24th (Palm Sunday), the twelve members of the confirmation class will publically profess their faith in Jesus Christ and become full members of Community Presbyterian Church. In many ways, these twelve young people are completing the process that was begun at the time of their baptism. In their baptism, we witnessed the truth that God’s love claims people before they are able to respond in faith on their own. Confirmation is about confirming this faith and entering into the covenant of membership.

It has brought me great joy to work (alongside of Kellie Becker, Bea Harrington, Diane Ellringer, and their adult mentors) with this group of young people. I have deeply enjoyed learning about who they are and helping them think about what they believe at this point in their faith journey. The mission trip last summer to Joplin, Missouri was especially meaningful as I had the privilege of partnering with these outstanding young people in service to God.

The end result of confirmation is that twelve young people will stand before the church and publically say “Yes” to belief in Jesus Christ and “Yes” to membership in Community of Presbyterian Church. Amen! This is good news and I hope you join me in welcoming each of them into the life of our congregation.

Confirmation Sunday is an opportunity for all of us to reflect on our own understanding of membership in the life and ministry of Community Presbyterian Church. Our Book of Order claims that “membership in the Church of Jesus Christ is a joy and a privilege. It is also a commitment to participate in Christ’s mission….A faithful member…promises to be involved responsibly in the ministry of Christ’s church.”

It goes on to list several ways to be involved in such ministry, the last of which is this: “(Membership) includes reviewing and evaluating regularly the integrity of one’s membership, and considering ways in which one’s participation in the worship and service of the church may be increased and made more meaningful.”

My friends, as we prepare to welcome a new Confirmation class and as we prepare to celebrate Easter Sunday and hear once again the story of Jesus’ rising from the grave, I invite you to join me in thinking about real and significant ways that your participation here at Community Presbyterian Church may be increased and made more meaningful.

I invite you to think about the following statements, taking from the final lesson of the Confirmation class workbook, and I challenge you to find new ways to answer them.

“I will be a faithful member of this church by….”
“I will share in its worship by….”
“I will share in its ministry by….”
“My prayers for this church and its members are…”
“My gifts to this church are…”
“I will study by….”
“I will serve by….”

My friends, membership in the Church of Jesus Christ is both a joy and a privilege. I invite you to welcome the new members of the confirmation class into the life and ministry of Community Presbyterian Church by renewing your personal commitment to the mission and witness of Community Presbyterian Church.


Pastor John

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