Monday, December 24, 2012

The Angel Who Lost Her Voice

Dear Friends -

One of the things I love about the Christmas season is the story telling. The Christmas Story is such fertile ground for inspiring messages of hope, love, joy, and peace. The Newberry-winning author Katherine Patterson was married to a Presbyterian pastor and for many years, she would write and read an original story for her husband's congregation. When I served as Associate Pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Hastings, Nebraska, one of my favorite parts of Christmas Eve was the children's worship service - in which Reverend Bill Nottage-Tacey would read a story that he had written.

I've read a collection of the stories that Katherine Patterson has written. They are really quite charming. And I loved the stories that Rev. Bill wrote.

This year, I decided that it was my turn to write an original Christmas story and preach it to the children (and anyone else who happens to be listening) of Community Presbyterian Church in Plainview, Minnesota.

Here is my story, "The Angel Who Lost Her Voice".

Merry Christmas -

Pastor John

“The Angel Who Lost Her Voice”
An original story by Pastor John Curtiss
Told to the children and congregation at
Community Presbyterian Church on
Christmas Eve, December 24, 2012 in
Plainview, Minnesota

Have you ever wondered how many angels there are in heaven? Heaven is quite large and there are a lot of different places to go and see, but there aren’t as many angels in heaven as you would think. Then again, then might be a lot more.
And have you ever wondered how all those angels spend their time? Angels spend there time doing a variety of things. They sort socks and fold laundry, like you and me. They have to walk their dogs and feed their pet goldfish. And sometimes they even have to take baths and wash behind their ears. But sometimes, like you and me, they have to find their place and figure out what part they play. This is a story about just that very thing.
But the thing that all the angels do; the thing that each and every angel takes pride in doing – and doing well – is sing. All angels love to sing. They are part of God’s heavenly chorus after all. If you have ever heard the angels sing – or even just one of them – then you know just how beautiful and wonderful God is because that is what the songs of angels are.
There was once a young angel – a cheribum – by the name of Sarah. Sarah was nothing special, just an ordinary angel who loved to sing. She didn’t have the most beautiful voice, as angelic voices go, but Sarah’s voice was just fine. It was steady and pure; delightful and constant.  Sarah knew that she could always count on her voice because it had never let her down before.
This was a very exciting time to be an angel in heaven, for God was planning something very special. God had already sent the angel Gabriel to share the news with Mary – that there would be a very special baby born soon. – but not just any baby, this baby was God’s only son – to be born of Mary in Bethlehem. The angels knew that the baby would be born soon.
In fact, God had asked that a choir of angels be standing by, ready to deliver the news. God had decided that he wanted the first people to know about the baby, (it was already decided that his name would be Jesus) after his parents, Mary and Joseph, would be the shepherds keeping watch. God had always had a softspot for shepherds herding sheep.
The choir was standing by, waiting and waiting. They knew that it couldn’t be long. They were practicing their “Glory Be’s! and their Alleluias!” When suddenly there was great commotion and a loud announcement:
“Calling all available angels…calling all available angels. The baby Jesus has been born!”
The angels started to line up. Before they are whooshed away to the hillside of Bethlehem to tell the shepherds the good news, they must first sing a simple little song – a warm-up, really, to the choir leaders Ms. J and Ms. L. Only the voices that are properly warmed up can sing on earth tonight.
“Next?” announces Ms. L. Sarah steps forward. She opens her mouth to sing…but nothing comes out. She clears her throat, she sips some lemon juice, she tries again. And again – no sound. Sarah has lost her voice.
“I’m sorry sweetie.” Says Ms. L. I can only let angels who can sing tonight be in the choir. You’ll have to stay here. I don’t have time to help you. Who’s next?” Ms. L gestures to Sarah to move along.
Sarah is heartbroken and doesn’t understand. She was so excited to be a part of this very special angelic choir. To sing to the shepherds and announce the good news of God’s son being born. What could have happened to her voice?
In no time at all, enough angels have been selected, and after not a small amount of commotion, they were gone; off to announce the good news. The silence was deafening.

Sarah doesn’t know what to do. She tries to tell her best friend Thomas, but she can’t find the words. Her voice is truly gone.
She decides that if she can’t sing to the shepherds, she can at least go and visit the baby. Maybe she can see the one who is cause for such great hope.
She begins to follow the trail of the angelic choir. First Sarah decides to go to the hills – where the angels will sing to the shepherds. She hopes that she can hear the beautiful message, even if she can’t add her voice to the heavenly choir.
But she is to late. The night is quiet and the hillside is empty. It appears that the angels have delivered their message and that the shepherds have gone to visit – indeed to worship – the baby Jesus.
Sarah stops on the hillside to decide what to do next. She hears a noise in the country side. There is a sheep, one lonely lost sheep. Apparently the shepherds in their haste, have forgotten one. The sheep is trying to stay warm in the cold, dark night and is calling out looking for it’s mother, looking for it’s shepherd; looking for the herd. Looking for a place to belong.
Sarah goes over to the sheep to comfort it. She picks it up to keep it warm. She rubs and pats the sheeps soft fur.
Sarah decides to help this sheep by taking the sheep with her. The only place that Sarah can think of to go is to follow the path of the shepherds. Sarah and the sheep begin their journey through the countryside to find the baby Jesus.
When Sarah and the baby sheep are nearly there, she meets some of the angels. Apparently there were so excited about the good news that they didn’t want to return to heaven right away, but they also wanted to go and see the baby Jesus. They tell Sarah about how beautiful the baby Jesus is and how special this night is.
Next Sarah meets the shepherds. They seem tired, but content. They have been to worship the new born king, the one whom they place their hope in. They have seen the baby and the baby has changed their life.
Sarah finds the shepherd with the lost sheep. He is so relieved to have the baby sheep back where it belongs. Sarah is a bit sad to lose her companion, but she lets the sheep go. She knows the sheep is home.
Alone, Sarah turns to the manger. It is the middle of the night. The shepherds have left and the holy family is exhausted. Everyone is sleeping peacefully. Sarah, as quiet as an angel can be goes in to see the baby Jesus.
While Sara is watching, the baby starts to stir – the baby starts to cry.

She realizes how vulnerable he is – she wonders what God was thinking – she doubts this grand plan – but then she realizes that she can help. Forgetting that she has love her voice, Sarah reaches out and strokes the baby on the cheek. She begins to sing him a heavenly lullaby. The baby Jesus stops fussing, smiles up at her, and begins to drift back to sleep.
Sarah is so glad that she got the chance to see the baby Jesus. And she is so glad that she got to help the lost sheep find it’s way home. She realizes that Jesus helped her find her voice again and that she has a part to play in telling the story of this child, this precious child born this very night.
Sarah returns to her place in heaven with a joyful heart, ready to sing again, ready to tell the world about the birth of the baby Jesus.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Ancient Rituals and Modern Meaning

Ancient Words
By Lynn DeShazo
Holy words, long preserved for our walk in this world,
They resound with God’s own heart;
Oh, let the ancient words impart.
Words of life, words of hope, give us strength, help us cope;
In this world wher-e’re we roam ancient words will guide us home.
Ancient words ever true, changing me and changing you;
We have come with open heats, oh, let the ancient words impart.
Holy words of our faith handed down to this age,
Came to us through sacrifice; Oh, head the faithful words of Christ.
Holy words, long preserved for our walk in this world,
They resound with God’s own heart;
Oh, let the ancient words impart.
Ancient words ever true, changing me and changing you;
We have come with open heats, oh, let the ancient words impart.

Dear Friends - 

Advent, the time the church prepares for Christ to be born again into the hearts and minds of those who believe, is a special time for me. I love the stories of anticipation, the preparation, and the holiday cheer. I especially love the music and I can't wait to display the nativity scene at home and at the church.
As I begin to think about what this season in the life of the church means to me and how I prepare my heart, mind, and soul for Christ's coming and return, I find myself reflecting on the idea of ritual and tradition. I am looking forward to lighting the Advent candles and hanging the greens because this is how I have always kept time and marked the season. Repeating a tradition, for me, provides deeper meaning and a way to remind myself of the joy of the season.
As a lifelong Presbyterian, I have been shaped and formed by an ancient pattern of worship and keeping time. The Presbyterian Churches that I have been blessed to belong to and worship with have shared much in common--namely the liturgy, hymnody, and rhythm of worship. I personally take great comfort and find deep meaning in the rituals and patterns of worship that I have inherited from my Presbyterian brothers and sisters.
But there are times when I feel like the ancient patterns that provide me with a strong sense of belonging might look completely foreign to those outside of a life of faith. For example, if someone were to show up on Sunday morning for the first time, would they be able to make sense out of the lighting of a candle on the advent wreath or the singing of a hymn about the coming of a Messiah?
I wonder: how do we make meaning in the world today? Or (perhaps a better questions), how do we bring meaning of what we (the church) are about to the world? I suspect it begins with an invitation.
My friends, I would like to invite you to be a part of the life, worship, and ministry of Community Presbyterian Church. What we do, I believe, matters greatly. Meaning grows out of full participation in all that we do.
My hope and prayer is this: that the ancient words and ancient patterns of worship would continue to be made new through the faithful gathering of God's people, especially in this time, this place, this season.
Sincerely - and may God, Emmanual, be with you.
Pastor John

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Vocation - A Labor Day Reflection

     Part of the story of my call to ministry is remembering and recognizing that many people who knew and loved me (especially from my church family - First Presbyterian Church in Alliance, Nebraska) identified a call to ministry a long time before I did. 
     When I was 15 or 16 years old, my pastor, Reverend John Wilson, asked me to come into his office sometime after school. He told me that he recognized within me gifts of leadership and ministry and asked me if I had ever considered becoming a pastor when I grew up. I laughed. I told him (with all the confidence of a teenager) that I had in fact considered the path to ministry...but I thought it would be my second career. You see, I was convinced that I needed to make a million dollars first. I thought the best way to do this was to study physics and engineering and get one of those "high-paying" engineering jobs." I claimed (with an earnest, straight face) that I thought I'd be a millionaire by the time I was 30...maybe 35...and then, only then would I "retire" from engineering and go to seminary to become a minister. To his credit, Reverend John Wilson did not laugh at me or dismiss my plan, but planted a seed and opened a door.
     I did begin college with every intention of becoming an engineer. For nearly 3 years at Hastings College, I majored in Math and Physics and was on the "pre-engineering" track. The trouble was this: I was a horrible math student. I simply could not do Calculus. I was miserable trying to be something that God did not intend for me to be. 
     And so, midway through my junior year of college, I began to discern a call to ministry (most certainly a call away from upper-level math courses!) I went home for fall break and I made an appointment to talk to Reverend John Wilson about seminary. I had forgotten our conversation nearly 5 years ago until her reminded me. That's when it all clicked. I was called to ministry. I began to explore seminaries. My last three semesters at Hastings College were much happier as I began to take every religion and philosophy and history and literature class I could (I ended up earning a BA in Music from Hastings College). 
     What I remember most about those first few months of being able to proclaim loudly to people "I want to be a minister" is that the people who loved me the most either said: "Amen" or "We knew that all along...we were just wondering when you would figure it out." It has been truly blessed to discover and live into my vocation and I am still confident that I am doing the work that God intended for my life.
    You might think that is an easy thing for me to say...since I serve a church as an ordained minister of word of sacrament. But my hope is that everyone can say with confidence that they are doing the work that God intended for their lives. Here's the thing: I want to remind you that God can use you on whatever road or career path you find yourself on. The trick is to use your gifts – to figure out what it is that you are good at – and to that to the glory of God. I was trying to be good at calculus...when clearly I wasn't (and no, you can't see my college transcript!).
     Scripture is filled with people whom God uses. Abraham, Moses and David were all shepherds…and God used them to become shepherds of God’s chosen people. Many of the 12 disciples were fisherman, simple fisherman from small towns…and God called them to be fishers of people. Matthew, a tax collector, did paperwork for the government…and God used him to put on paper the story of Jesus’ life on earth – the gospel of Matthew. Paul was a tent maker…and God called Paul to be a builder of churches in places like Rome and Ephesus, and Galatia. Luke was a physician…and God called Luke to tell the story of Jesus offering healing for all of humanity.
      Let me remind you this day, this labor day weekend--and every day--that whether you are a teacher or a farmer; a banker or a school nurse;  a butcher, baker or candlestick maker that we all serve the same God…and that God is calling us to labor for the kingdom of heaven. I Corinthians 3:8 says: “The one who plants and the one who waters have a common purpose, and each will receive wages according to the labor of each…for we are God’s servants.” 
    I believe (as does the Psalmist) that God has made each of us as fearfully and wonderfully made – and God intends for our lives to reflect glory. We don’t all need to be heros to live a heroic life. We simply have to use our gifts to glorify God.  When I was in high school, I was on the golf team. I did bring me great joy when I managed to hit the ball straight, but I clearly am not meant to swing a golf club for a living. I love to play basketball...all 5'6" of me (and I can't jump). I do experience joy when I actually make a basket, but clearly I am not meant to play hoops for a living. But God did give me a spirit of compassion and a listening heart and some other gifts that I think make me a minister, a preacher, a pastor. And I know from the great joy I experience through the ups and downs of church life that I am doing the work that God intends me to do. My favorite scripture verse has long been Romans 12:15. In this passage, Paul is describing some of the marks of the Christian character and the Christian community. Romans 12:15 reads: "Rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep." For me this describes my life in ministry. I get to rejoice with others at the best moments in life - weddings and births and high school graduations. And I get to weep with others at their darkest, most trying moments - times of great loss and deep sadness.  And through it all, I know that I am following God's call and living out God's intention for my life. (And there are times when I fall short...but that is for a different time). 
     I hope that you can also find that place where you live as God intends, finding joy in reflecting God's glory in all you do. 
   Amen and amen,

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Rest of the Story....

This past weekend, Community Presbyterian Church held the regular weekly worship service on Saturday night. It was Corn on the Cob Days weekend, a celebration of Plainview, and for the past couple of years, we have moved worship from Sunday morning to Saturday night. Part of me enjoys worship held in the evening (because we get to sing some of the seldom used evening hymns!). I thought I would enjoy sleeping in on Sunday morning--but I honestly felt a bit weird not doing the church thing on Sunday morning.

During my sermon, I tried to be fancy with technology and it didn't work. I wanted to read something from a blog and when I opened my wireless, smart device, it wasn't where I left it...and I couldn't find it...and so my congregation got to stare at me while I silently looked at my small screen (thankfully no one broke out in the Jeopardy theme!). I concluded my sermon in my own words and finished the sermon. I vaguely remember promising to get the good people present (and suffering through my stumbles!) the rest of the sermon. And because I think that what I was going to quote in worship is really, really good...this is an attempt to tell the rest of my sermon.

In case you weren't in attendance at Community Presbyterian Church on Saturday night, August 18th, here is the main idea of my sermon. It's based on Ephesians 5:15-20.

I asked folks to come up with three people. One person who, for whatever reason, causes you to behave differently than you normally would. Maybe you are trying to impress them or intimidated by them - but you have a hard time being yourself - your true self in the midst of this person. The second person was someone who gives you permission to be exactly who you are. This person is that good friend who has seen you at your best and worst and loves you because of it all. The third person was someone who inspires you to be better.

In Ephesians, Paul urges the gathered community to sing Psalms and spiritual songs together as part of the communal act of being the body of Christ in the world. And I think that the church is called to sing songs together that shape who we are - and tell the story about who we are becoming to the world.

In Greek Mythology, the god of music Orpheus is aboard the ship with Jason (in his quest for the Golden Fleece). When the ship approaches the island of the Sirens, the Sirens begin to sing their song. The Siren's song is so powerful that no one is able to resist and they lure ships to sail into their rocky shore and perish. But when Orpheus hears the song of the Sirens, he pulls out is lute and offers to the Sirens a better song, a more beautiful song, and Jason doesn't fall under the spell and continues on his journey.

I think that when the church gathers to sing songs together, at the heart of what we are doing is offering the world a better song. We've all heard the calls of the world's "sirens," haven't we. But these songs offer promises of false abundance. The songs that we sing as a faithful community and followers of Jesus Christ is a song of hope and promise. It is a song that allows us to be who God created us to be.

And that brings me to the part of the sermon that I wasn't able to tell on Saturday night because my technology failed me. I wanted to read from the blog of Jon Acuff. I had recently seen on Facebook his blog about what one church put in writing as their welcoming statement. Most church welcome statements that I have seen (or even been a part of) are very noble - yet very nondescript. I think most churches desire to welcome everyone...but this church came up with a wonderful list.

Before you read it, please note that this is not the welcoming statement of Community Presbyterian Church. You may not agree with everything in here. But I think it is certainly a model worthy of us...all of think about how we can be this bold in our welcoming. And I think it is somehow related to the songs that we offer the world as a counter-cultural way of being the church. If you'd like to read the blog in it's entirety, you can find it here: How-to-welcome-people-to-your-church/

Here is the text I would've read. It's the welcoming statement of the Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Community:

We extend a special welcome to those who are single, married, divorced, gay, filthy rich, dirt poor, yo no habla Ingles. We extend a special welcome to those who are crying new-borns, skinny as a rail or could afford to lose a few pounds.
We welcome you if you can sing like Andrea Bocelli or like our pastor who can’t carry a note in a bucket. You’re welcome here if you’re “just browsing,” just woke up or just got out of jail. We don’t care if you’re more Catholic than the Pope, or haven’t been in church since little Joey’s Baptism.
We extend a special welcome to those who are over 60 but not grown up yet, and to teenagers who are growing up too fast. We welcome soccer moms, NASCAR dads, starving artists, tree-huggers, latte-sippers, vegetarians, junk-food eaters. We welcome those who are in recovery or still addicted. We welcome you if you’re having problems or you’re down in the dumps or if you don’t like “organized religion,” we’ve been there too.
If you blew all your offering money at the dog track, you’re welcome here. We offer a special welcome to those who think the earth is flat, work too hard, don’t work, can’t spell, or because grandma is in town and wanted to go to church.
We welcome those who are inked, pierced or both. We offer a special welcome to those who could use a prayer right now, had religion shoved down your throat as a kid or got lost in traffic and wound up here by mistake. We welcome tourists, seekers and doubters, bleeding hearts … and you!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mission Trip - Joplin, Missouri, 2012

“The God of heaven will give us success, and we God’s servants will start to build”
Nehemiah 2:20

“Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.”
I Peter 4:10
Dear Friends,

The above two scripture verses capture for me two of the most compelling reasons for engaging in a mission trip.

From Monday, July 30 to Saturday, August 4th, I will be leading a group of 12 youth (which is every member of the confirmation class) and 7 adult sponsors to Joplin, Missouri for a week of mission. We will be working with an organization called “Rebuild Joplin” and their partner Americore. We will be doing a variety of jobs, all with the intent of helping the community of Joplin with the ongoing rebuilding efforts. (Joplin, Missouri was hit by a major tornado in May, 2011).

I believe that we engage in this kind of mission work for two main reasons. First, we go to help out because we are called to make a difference in the world. Simply, we go because the people of Joplin need our help. We might not have the skills to build houses, but because we go in the name of God, we do have the skills to make a difference in the lives of others. We are going to drive nearly 600 miles to a small town in Southern Missouri (in hot August, no less) because there is a need, and as a Christian people, we are called to respond to the needs of the world.

But we also go for a second, I believe, more compelling reason. We go because the experience will change and transform us. I believe that the very act of setting aside one week to serve others has the power to transform us. Our world will expand. Our preconceived notions will be challenged. And, because we will encounter God in the lives of others, our faith will be stronger. We will be different when we return. To be sure, we might learn a new skill – like hanging sheet rock or how to paint – but we will also learn that when we act on our faith out of love, then we deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ.

I hope to use this space to reflect on how I am different because of my work in Joplin and with young people. Thanks for reading!

Pastor John

P.S. If you are near Plainview and would like to witness this growth and transformation, I invite you to worship with us on Sunday, August 12th at 10 a.m. We have designated this Sunday as "Mission Trip Sunday." The youth and their adult leaders will lead us in worship. I trust that this will be an opportunity for them to share tell their stories about the work that they accomplished - as well as how they have changed, in faith. It would be great to see you in church! Check us out at

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Being Chosen

Sunday, May 20th, 2012
Seventh Sunday of Eastertide

Scripture: Acts 1:15-17, 21-26
Sermon: “Chosen-ness”
A Sermon preached for the congregation at Community Presbyterian Church on the occasion of graduation Sunday.

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that, the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I marked the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way

I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

            This well known Robert Frost poem describes how one traveler made his decision when faced with two diverging paths in the road. The journeyer chooses the path that is less traveled and that, of course, makes all the difference in the world. How do you make decisions in your life when you come to a major crossroads? What guides your decision?
It seems to me that whenever we come to a place where the path appears to split and a decision needs to be made, we have a variety of options to help us out. Surely we rely upon the council of our dearest friends and family; surely we use our intellect and reason to examine the possibilities of both and to weigh and determine the best choice; surely we offer up prayers God and try to find a transcendent peace to justify our choices. We might even leave it to chance – flip a coin, roll the dice, take a chance.
For those of us who claim God’s providence and interaction in our lives, know that God should be a part of our decision making process, but how? Because God seldom communicates as directly to us like God did to Moses with a burning bush (I’m not saying it can’t happen, but it hasn’t happened to me!) it is very difficult to know how to listen to God. And so we might come to a big decision, and take a moment to pray and then make our decision. At best, we might feel that it is the right thing to do in our hearts or have made peace with our decision. I don’t want to minimize that experience because I have made tough decisions based upon the peace through prayer, but don’t we minimize the power of God if we place God’s ability to affect us into a feeling? Is God somehow minimized when we pray, feel good, and then decide?
As difficult as this is for us as individuals, it is even more complex for group and institutions. How does a church committee include God in decision making? Most people who come to a committee meeting would say that it would be inefficient to consult God in prayer for every decision. It’s all we can do to work in an opening and a closing prayer!! How does the church include God in all of the decisions she has to make?
Although this time represents great challenge for our church, it is also a time for our faith to grow. All we need to remember is our own history to know that in the past nearly 150 years God has greatly blessed us and God will continue to bless us in the future. God’s promised blessing requires of us our faith and trust, as well as our hard work and partnership in working towards God’s kingdom. And it will be important for us to continue to work on ways to include God in all of our decisions, both as individuals as well as the collective body of Jesus Christ.
That’s why I love the story we read from the first chapter of the book of Acts. It’s a story of administration trivia. The book of Acts begins with the ascension of Jesus. Jesus has been with the disciples for 40 days. Chapter Two, the story immediately following our pericope, is all about the gift of the Holy Spirit which enables the church to spread like wildfire and the people to minister and serve in powerful and miraculous ways. But nestled between these two stories is the first official action of the 11 remaining disciples.
Some commentaries argue that it was absolutely necessary to place this story here to legitimize the authority of the 12 disciples. When we read this story, we need to remember the importance of the number 12. There were 12 tribes of Israel throughout the Old Testament. When the early church begun, the 12 disciples are symbolically linked to those 12 tribes to further show and demonstrate that Jesus is the promised Messiah. It was critical, argue some commentaries, that there be 12 disciples as soon as possible and that is why this is done in the book of Acts before the gift of the Holy Spirit. It is necessary, so the argument goes, that there be 12 symbolic disciples.

The 11 disciples gather to determine how they are to replace Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus and then died. The story goes like this (nominating committee take note): All of the believers – about 120 of them were gathered together. Peter stood before them and described the need. Judas is dead, he betrayed us to fulfill the scriptures; it really turned out alright because Jesus is alive and we have just seen him return into heaven. We need to replace Judas. I think it should be someone who has been with us from the beginning and has good qualifications; one who knows the stories of Jesus because those are the stories we will have to tell. Who do you think should become one of the 12 disciples?
And so Peter asks the crowd, they nominate two worthy candidates, Peter prays (it’s important to include God in the process) and then they cast lots to decide.  (Did you get that nominating committee?) No one knows for sure how exactly lots were cast in the first century. Some say that names were written on parchment and placed into a clay jar and Peter shook the jar until a name fell out. Other suggest that names were written on stones and put into a bag. The winner was drawn out of the back. Whatever the actual mechanism, the 12th disciple was chosen by a matter of chance.
(I’ve often thought that we could use this method to get more people involved…in fact, Kellie Becker has been asked to put the congregation into a bag and draw names for VBS volunteers.)

Matthias is chosen and he replaces Judas as the 12th disciple. This is the last time that he is mentioned in the rest of scripture. We truly don’t know what happened to this 12th disciple, chosen by chance and joining the 12 on the dawning of the gift of the holy spirit.
Although we don’t know the details of the life of Mattias once he is a disciple, it is the story about being chosen for service. Peter prayed: “O God, show us which one you have chosen.”
Robert Browning (18th century Victorian) was asked why he chose to be a poet. He said, “I didn’t! I was born with poetry in me. Everyone is born with poetry in him. I just did what I was born to be. The question isn’t why I became a poet, but why did so many others quit?”
The truth of the matter is this: we are chosen by God to be a part of God’s family. If you have been baptized then you have been marked as a member of God’s covenant community. To use to words of Robert Browning, don’t quit on your baptism by giving up on the promises of God.
At times it might seem the consequences of our actions, keep us from living up to our baptismal relationship. We feel like the choices that we have made in the past keep us from serving God or loving God or living for God. We believe that our past is a barrier that prevents us from serving. We deceive ourselves by saying things like, I could never do that because of what I have done. The good news for us, my dear people of God, is that our past has been redeemed in Jesus Christ. No matter how bad you believe you have been, God has forgiven it and God wants to use you for mission and ministry. In your baptism (even before your baptism) God chose you to serve in discipleship, to be in community with one another, and to spread the message of God’s love.

You might have heard this story:
“A bricklayer wrote from his hospital bed to his employer. “You remember that building where you sent me to work. The old chimney was coming apart and I was supposed to re-lay the bricks and mortar on the top courses of the chimney.
I did it the way we always do it. I put a strong beam on the roof, extending it out over the edge a few feet. I put a pulley on the extended end of the beam. I put a rope in the pulley and let it hang to the ground, on both sides of the pulley. I tied a barrel to one end of the rope and filled it with new bricks. Then, I stood on the ground and pulled the other end of the rope, pulling the barrel of new bricks to the top edge of the roof.
The trouble was, the barrel of bricks was heavier than I was. When the barrel got near the top the weight of it won over and it started falling down. I clung to the rope, hoping to hold it. But it pulled me up. Unfortunately, halfway up I met the barrel. It broke my collar bone.
Then, the barrel went all the way to the ground, pulling me all the way to the beam. Unfortunately, my head hit the beam, something terrible, and my fingers got jammed into the pulley, breaking four of them.
When the barrel hit the ground the bottom of it broke out and all the bricks fell out. I was now heavier than that barrel. I now fell—faster than I had gone up. Unfortunately, halfway down I met the barrel. It skinned my shins something terrible.
I kept falling. I landed on the pile of bricks and bruised my bottom something terrible. Unfortunately I grabbed my bruised bottom, which caused me to let go of the rope. The barrel was heavier than the rope, so it fell down really fast. It hit me and knocked me out. I landed in the hospital.
The question, I have is this: do we have insurance that covers an accident like that?”

Our choices – like holding on to the rope or letting go of it – have consequences, but nothing we can do will ever cause God to un-choose us. We belong to God, plain and simple.
God has chosen us to be partners in ministry. You can’t live for very long in this world to realize that we live in a broken and hurting world. All of us, I am sure, know someone who is struggling with money or with communicating with their spouse, or their children, or their in-laws. There is so much need in the world. Who if not you and me is going to offer a word of hope and encouragement. God chooses you to make a difference in the world we live in.
I had a friend named Ernie in seminary who founded a group called “PB+J ministries. Austin Seminary is located pretty close to downtown Austin with the capital building a short walk away. Because of the moderate climate of Austin, there is a pretty substantial homeless population. I’m sure the recent economic downturn has only made that worse. Ernie’s PB+J Ministry was simple. Using his modest stipend earned from working in the bookstore, Ernie brought as much bread as he could and a couple of jars of peanut butter and jelly. On Friday night, he would invite any seminary students and faculty to join him in the dining hall to make as many sandwiches as we could. And then we would walk the street of Austin giving the food away. We always ran out of sandwiches before we ran out of people to serve. The one thing that made Ernie’s efforts unique was this: Ernie adamantly required that as you gave the food to this stranger, that you looked them in the eye and you said to them: “My friend, I give you this bread in the name of Jesus Christ.” It was Ernie’s way of showing others the chosen-ness of such work.
What are you chosen for? Because we live in a world with great need, this shouldn’t be a difficult choice for you. What are you chosen for; where can you serve?

I began by talking about the decisions that we make in life and it is important to make good choices. But because God has already chosen us, God will be with us regardless of our choices. When I think of the big choices we make in life – where to live, who to marry, what to do with my life, my money, my time, my gifts – I think that God is already with us because we are chosen.
With all due respect to the poetry of Robert Frost, the traveler in the woods thinks long and hard about the choice of pathway, and ultimately chooses the road less travelled. For us, God presence would have been on both roads. God will meet us whatever road we take because God owns all of the paths on the map and because God has chosen us.
Another way to say this is that God doesn’t care so much if you are a butcher, a baker, or a candlestick maker, but God does care that you belong and the you are chosen and that you glorify God whatever you do.
In other words, it doesn’t matter how we include God in our decision making process or even if we leave it up to chance, because God is already with us. God has chosen us to be his disciples and to serve. The choice for us is this: how are we going to serve? How are we going to use our “chosen-ness” to be a blessing to God and to others?

Amen and amen.

Monday, May 14, 2012

On Friendship - Up With People, Changing the World, and Changing Me

My Up With People Cast
Cast A
Taken at the end of staging; July 1994

Yesterday I preached a sermon on friendship and about what it means that Jesus calls us friends. In John's gospel Jesus says, "I do not call you servants any longer...I have called you friends." (John 15:15).

To begin the sermon, I shared a bit about some of the friendships that I have made that have made a difference in my life. And I ended up talking about my year in Up With People. I'm pretty sure that I uttered the phrase - "my year in Up With People, although nearly 20 years ago, has greatly shaped me into who I am today."

And that got me to thinking - what kind of difference did Up With People make in my life?

Although Up With People has been parodied by the television show "The Simpson's" as the half-time-performing group so affectionately called 'Hooray For Everything', for me it really was a wonderful experience. I might have been a naive and optimistic 20-year-old when I traveled but I learned some valuable experiences.

"It's a world that's changin' faster every day."

These were the opening lyrics to the opening number of the show,  "World in Motion." (A show, incidentally, that I performed around 80 times in countries all over the world). The travelling was great (the living out of a suitcase and, essentially, on a bus for a year, not so much). But the impact UWP had on me had nothing to do with the performance.

I learned that relationships are the key to legitimate and lasting change. My UWP show had a message about a common humanity that focused on the greater good people could accomplish when they worked together. And I believe that the way to work toward a common good is to be in relationship with folks who are different than you.

I also learned that there is something powerful in serving others. Part of what made my year unique is that for every hour we were on stage performing live music, we spent two hours doing community service work. I experienced service projects that ranged from hanging out with underserved populations (day care in poor neighborhoods) to talking about ways to confront violence responsible with troubled high school youth. This experience taught me that I can make a difference in the world around me by focusing on others instead of myself.

Perspective. I learned a great deal about perspective during my year in UWP. I learned that people have so much more in common than they do different (at least in terms of the things that matter the most) and I learned that the key to making a difference is to get to know folks. The relationships that I made have continued to shape who I am and how I think about the world.

I think it is because of UWP that I resonate with the song "Passing Through" by Mark Erelli. I might not be able to change the world. But I still believe that I can change myself - and that, in doing so, I might make a difference in the lives of those around me.

It's been a long time since I've reached out to my cast mates...but I think since we are approaching our 20 year anniversary, it might be time for me to see how my UWP family is doing around the world. It's true what they say about Up With meet them wherever you go.

Be blessed-
Pastor John

Here are the lyrics to the Mark Erelli song "Passing Through"

We are passing this world on to our kids,
From the moment that they climb out of their cribs.
We try to teach them well, and show them they are loved, but in the end all we can do is hope our best is good enough.
For they'll witness how this life can be so beautiful and cruel.
We can't shelter them forever, but if we show them all the tools,
They might leave this place in a little better shape than me and you,
We are only passing through.

We've been watching this world from our living room,
It's been near 40 years since we walked on the moon.
And this big  blue ball keeps shrinking and I don't know if that's good
But for better or for worse now, this whole world's our neighborhood.
And there's no place left to run to where you can stay above the fray,
We all need to learn to get along and not just get our way.
Not only for each other, but for our children's children too,
We are only passing through.

And I wonder sometimes what will I pass on?
And how much can one voice do with just a song?
Sometimes injustice and indifference are the only things I see
But I refuse to let my hope become the latest casualty.
So I'll sing of love and truth and try to practice what I preach,
And if I can't change the world, I'll change the world within my reach.
And what better place to start than here and now with me and you,
We are only passing through.
       Passing through -- passing through
       We are only passing through.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Updating the Big Rocks

Fairly recently I shared some goals that I have set for myself for the next year. Since I am in the process of turning the calendar to a new month, I decided that it would be a good opportunity for me to post an update to those goals - a sort of online accountability check.

FYI - the idea of "Big Rocks" comes from my reading of Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People in high school and being captivated by the idea of setting aside some time each week to tend to personal growth. I've continued this practice throughout my ministry because I have learned the value of caring for self in the midst of a profession that spends a great deal of time caring for others. For me, my "Big Rocks" are Physical, Social/Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual. Here is what I've been doing in each of those areas of my personal life.


I have recently decided that the nearly year-long transition to my current place has made a regular exercise very, very difficult. To that end, I have also decided to make this a priority for the month of May. I have registered (the check is literally in the mail!) for my first 5K road race in over 3 years for the end of May. Paying for the race should provide enough extra motivation for me to hit the road. It is actually 16 weeks away from a 1/2 marathon in Rochester...and I have a 15 week plan for novices to train for a 1/2 marathon. I am trying to decide if that would be too much. I'm leaning towards taking on the 1/2 marathon, if only to have a big, crazy goal to work towards.

I am still hopeful that I can hit my goal weight (less than I currently am!) by my brother-in-law's wedding at the end of June.


I haven't done much tangible or measurable on these goals. As the weather turns warmer, I do hope to learn how to fish. And I'm pleased to announce that the Curtiss family has set an exciting family goal. We are going to (attempt!) to visit all 74 (that's right ALL 74) of Minnesota's State Parks before our oldest child graduates from high school (he is 7 and will complete first grade at the end of May). 74 parks over the next 12 summers. Crazy - but I'm a big fan of crazy goals.

I'm also in the process of getting a team of Community Presbyterian folks signed up for this summer's city sponsored Kick Ball League. Should be a good, good time.


My goal here was to read 20 books in 2012. I've read 6 so far, so I need to pick up my pace a bit. I'm reading mostly Young Adult/Fantasy books at this point, but I love them, so I'm not apologizing. The six books that I have read in 2012 are: Birth Order and You by Dr. Ronald Richardson (Family Systems material), Put Your Dream to the Test by John Maxwell (Leadership book), "Throne of Fire" and "The Son of Neptune" both by Rick Riodan. "Physik" by Angie Sage (I think these books are on par with Harry Potter, but I haven't found anyone else who has read them). and "Phantom" by Terry Goodkind. (I have literally checked this book out from the library at various points over the last 3-4 years. It is good to finally read this. It is the 9th book in a fairly lengthy series...and I'm nearly done with book 10.)


I do pray often in the chapel as I begin my days. Sometimes I feel like I am too busy, and I often regret skipping it. The thing is I don't notice getting less done on days when I do take the time to pray. That alone should be a good reminder that time in prayer is one of the most important things I could be doing.

I also set a goal of memorizing 12 Psalms. I have memorized one. I might need to adjust my expectations on this one. I think I'll close with the words of Psalm 121 (and I'm not even looking it up!)

I life my eyes to the hills. From where will my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. The Lord will not let your foot be moved. The Lord will not slumber. The Lord who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper. The Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day, not the moon by night. The Lord will keep you from evil. He will keep your life. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forevermore.

Thanks for reading.
Be blessed-
Pastor John

Good Shepherd Sunday

This past Sunday (April 29th, 2012) the liturgical (and lectionary) church celebrated Good Shepherd Sunday. Each year, on the 4th Sunday of Easter, the lectionary texts are the 23rd Psalm and John 10:11-18 (which begins "I am the good shepherd."
I don't know much about sheep (my grandmother's generation are all cattle ranchers in Western Nebraska). But apart from the obvious (that sheep are smelly and not very bright!), I have heard two things that I think are worth knowing.

Sheep really know and trust the one who cares for them. Sheep sleep in a pen - and whenever someone comes into that pen when they are asleep, they awake and panic, with one exception. When the one that cares for them, their good shepherd enters their pen, they will stay asleep. Even sleeping, they know who it is that takes care of them and they sleep peacefully in his presence.

And sheep learn the voice of the one they follow. When sheep were taken to the watering spot, often other flocks of sheep were present. But the shepherds were never worried about their sheep getting mixed up with all the others. The sheep would mix and mingle and drink their fill at the watering hole...and when the shepherd determined that they had their fill, he would give his special whistle. Because the sheep knew that voice, they would follow.

These are wonderful images for us as we consider what it means to be sheep in Jesus' flock. But it also begs the question, what kind of sheep do you wish to be? What kind of flock do you seek to be with?

I don't know about you, but I wish to be the kind of sheep, that knows the voice of my shepherd, and is willing enough to trust in that voice when it calls me and invites me to follow.

In fact, I want to be part of a flock of sheep who are faithful, who listen, and who follow in faith.

And one other thing, I don't think that being comfortable with your shepherd means that you can sleep during my sermon. Because, the thing is, is that I consider myself much more of a sheep that I do a shepherd. It is true that as pastor of Community Presbyterian Church I have a special role and responsibility in the life of the church. But that role flows from my understanding of following the shepherd who leads me and calls me into service.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Dear Friends-

I unintentionally gave up blogging for Lent. I didn't really mean to, but as you can see, my last two blog posts are Ash Wednesday...and the Tuesday after Easter.

I'd like to say that it was because I added such a rigorous spiritual discipline and that I was so faithful in my commitment that I didn't have time to blog. But the truth is, I just didn't blog.

Lent was for me a time of spiritual renewal and a time of reflection. I am nearing the end of my ninth month as pastor of Community Presbyterian Church and I continue to be affirmed in my new call. This is a wonderful place to be and I am truly delighted to be serving here. Plainview continues to be a good place for my family and Community Presbyterian Church is a good place for me to continue to grow in God's grace.

Having just lived through my first Lent and Holy Week as a solo pastor (this is my eleventh year in ordained ministry - but my first 10 Easters I was an Associate Pastor -- in Athens, Alabama and in Hastings, Nebraska), I am realizing that I was pretty focused on the events of holy week and making sure that I was prepared for worship on Easter Sunday. Returning to my office this week, I have begun to clear off some piles and re-engage in some things that got pushed aside (like some long-range thinking!), and I feel this wonderful expansion of my spirit and my heart. Easter was wonderful here...but there is much more to come. It's only Tuesday (and I am taking some time off in the next 10 days), but I feel greatly relieved and much renewed for the work to come in the future. For me, all this is constant affirmation and for that I am grateful.

Be blessed-
Pastor John

Continuing the Story After Easter

Read Mark 16:1-8

The Gospel of Mark's ends with no Jesus. How can you write a resurrection account--the central story of the Christian faith--and not have an appearance of Jesus. There is no mention of Jesus, just an empty tomb, two frightened women disciples, and an angelic figure dressed in white, proclaiming "Do not be afraid. Jesus is not here." What gives?

It can't just be a bad ending, can it? What are we to do with this seemingly incomplete story? This story is one that we tell, by faith. There is no proof for us; we simply believe. We can examine the empty tomb by listening to the gospel stories and make the choice to believe or not.

The disciples who were there, ran aware in fear and amazement. Who will tell the story?

I think the key is in remembering how the Gospel of Mark begins. Mark begins, not with a geneology (that's Matthew), not with angels and shepherds and the star (that's Luke), not with poetic theological discourse (that would be John)--Mark simply begins with "The beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ." I think this beginning is describing more than the words and chapters that follow. Rather, I think that the beginning Mark is describing is the good news of Jesus Christ that goes beyond the stories told in scripture. It is a story that is continued and carried on, even in the present day. It is a story that is told by our lives; the lives of those who chose to believe, by faith.

The ending of Mark's gospel is an invitation; an invitation to continue to tell the story that the life and death of Jesus began.

Who will tell the story? We will. You and me.

My friends, Easter has come and gone. The tomb stands empty and, I believe the message we still hear echoing out is this - Jesus is not here. I believe it is up to us to tell the world our stories; the stories about where we have found Jesus at work in the world and through our lives of faith.

Amen and amen!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Beginning of A Lenten Journey

Mark 1:9-15

The beginning of Jesus ministry seemed to begin with a bang. First, Jesus is baptized by John in the Jordan river. The spirit appears, descends upon the newly baptized Jesus, and God's voice is heard from heaven. "This is my Son." claims the heavens. "With him I am well pleased." The good news of the gospel is near. Jesus is set to begin his ministry. With a start like that, what could possibly go wrong?

"And the Spirit immediately drove him out into the wilderness. He was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan; and the angels waited on him." Mark 1:12.

Like I said: with a start like that, what could possibly go wrong? Apparently three things. Wilderness, temptation, and Satan.
     I find it interesting that as Jesus was beginning, at least according to Mark's gospel, that he first spent time in the wilderness. This seems to be an intense time of preparation for the journey ahead.
    This text is traditionally read on the first Sunday of Lent because of the 40 days connection. The season of Lent is 40 days long and is known as a time of introspection and penitence; a time to reflect on Christ's journey to the cross and how we journey with him. I take comfort in these words from Mark at the beginning of Lent because they remind me that Jesus has been tempted; Jesus has been in the wilderness; Jesus has been alone and waiting. This experience gives me comfort because I like knowing this about Jesus when I experience wilderness or temptation or alone-ness. I like knowing that Jesus has been there before me and that my faith in him gives hope.
      I was reminded in studying this text that Jesus was not alone in the wilderness. Not only was he in the presence of wild beasts, but Mark's gospel claims that angels waited on him. I helps me recognize that I am never as alone as I think I might be; rather God's angels wait on me.
      And if I push myself to reflect on what this means, given my personal ambiguity about real-life halo wearing, harp carrying angels, I realize that the angels who wait with me during times of struggle or other good and faithful people that God has seen fit to surround me with. The angels in my life are my friends and family.
      And if I push myself further, I realize that there is a call in this story to be angels to one another. Part of journeying together, during Lent or any season of life, is to be present with others; to share in the ups and downs. But especially to bear the light and love of Christ to others who are sitting alone in the wilderness.

As you journey through Lent, may angels wait with you during dark times. And may you be an angel to another traveler who finds themselves alone in the wilderness.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

An Eercise in Thanksgiving

The lectionary texts for Sunday, February 12, 2012 were: Mark 1:40-45 (Jesus heals a leper), 2 Kings 5:1-14 (Naaman is healed from leprosy), and Psalm 30 (A Psalm of Thanksgiving for Recovery from Grave Illness).

There is a common theme that unites these three texts - one of thanksgiving. In fact, the un-named leper in Jesus' healing story is sternly ordered to not tell the story about who healed him or how he was healed. But good news cannot be kept silent. The leper is so excited to be made whole and healed that he tells the story about what Jesus had done for him. The news spreads (like good news always does) so much that Jesus is forced to retreat and travel in the countryside, away from the crowds.

I was glad (even thankful!) that Psalm 30 was included with these miraculous stories because it is one of my favorite. The author of this Psalm has clearly experienced something tragic and difficult, spent time feeling alone and abandoned in the midst of that tragedy, and then felt the grace of God bring him to the other side. The darkness of night has been turned into joy in the morning. This Psalm is a tribute to the goodness and power of God through the adversities of the human experience.

Lets face it; life is messy. Life is complicated and hard. Life is difficult and often unfair. We all have experienced long nights of the soul in which God seemed far away. But we have hope because we know that God does not abandon us and leave us alone in our suffering. God enters into our messy humanity, bears with us through our darkest experiences, and shines light on the new days ahead. Our God turns mourning into dancing and clothes us with joy.

There have been times when I have tried to write my own Psalm of Thanksgiving when I have come through something and found myself delighting in God's mercy and goodness. I encourage you to do the same. There is something powerful about putting into your own words the power of God to see you through.

Although I've done this exercise many times, I still find myself going back to the words - the hopeful words - of Psalm 30. (In fact, Psalm 30 is going to be one of the Psalms I memorize in 2012!). Here they are. May they give you hope as you struggle, and reassure you as you live joyfully into God's presence.

Psalm 30
I will extol you, O LORD, for you have drawn me up, and did not let my foes rejoice over me. O LORD my God, I cried to you for help, and you have healed me. O LORD, you brought up my soul from Sheol, restored me to life from among those gone down to the Pit.
Sing praises to the LORD, O you his faithful ones, and give thanks to his holy name. For his anger is but for a moment; his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning.
As for me, I said in my prosperity, "I shall never be moved." By your favor, O LORD, you had established me as a strong mountain; you hid your face; I was dismayed.
To you, O LORD, I cried, and to the LORD I made supplication; "What profit is there in my death, if I go down to the Pit? Will the dust praise you? Will it tell of your faithfulness? Hear, O Lord, and be gracious to me! O LORD, be my helper!"
You have turned my mourning into dancing; you have taken off my sackcloth and clothed my with joy, so that my soul may praise you and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks to you forever.

Thanks for reading!
Pastor John

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Big Rocks

Big Rocks - Jan 31, 2012

Disclaimer: This is going to be somewhat personal. I’m going to attempt to share some of my internal hopes and dreams for the next 12 months. I’m not sure if this format is the right place to do it, but I feel compelled to put it out there. Maybe those who read this will, not only get to know me a little differently, but will also hold me accountable.

I used to have in my bag of tricks a children’s sermon that I could use with a minimal amount of preparation. It dates back to my time in the group “Son’s Reflections” – a group of college students that traveled around to small rural churches in central Nebraska offering to lead worship in exchange for a meal.

The children’s message went like this. I would have two glass jars (the size of spaghetti sauce), several large rocks, and some rice. The glass jar represented our day (finite and limited) and the rice represented the things we chose to spend our time on. I would ask the children to list the things that they do each day and we would pour rice into one of the jars. If it was something they did a lot of (sleep, eat, watch tv) we would put a lot of rice in – until the jar was full. Then I would say that we forgot some pretty important things. These were the big rocks. They represented things like prayer and bible study, worship and thanksgiving. And since we tried to put them in the jar last, they didn’t fit – like trying to fit in a quick prayer at the end of the day. So then I took the other jar and put the big rocks in first. And then we poured the rice around them and it all fit in. The point was that if you take the time to do the important things, i.e. the “big rocks” first you would still have time for the other parts of your day. If you waited until the end to put the “big rocks” in  then there simply wouldn’t be enough time. It was an exercise in priorities and I thought I was very clever (although I’m not sure how effective the lesson really was with small kiddos!).

At the risk of revealing the true depth of my dorkiness, I have always like this idea of big rocks. (And I’ll admit – I was greatly influenced by Stephen Covey’s “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” which I read during my freshman year of college. Covey outlines the practice of “sharpening your saw” as the big rocks. If you really want to know the depths of my Covey admiration, just ask Meg about the 3X5 note card I used to always carry in my back pocket when we first started dating!).

I have four big rocks: Physical, Mental, Social/Emotional, and Spiritual that I find important to think about and prioritize and set goals and live into on a regular basis. This past Sunday (January 29th) was the annual meeting of Community Presbyterian Church…and I usually use the annual meeting of the church as an excuse to re-examine my big rocks for the coming year. So here are my big rocks for Feb 1, 2012 through Jan 31, 2013.

Big Rock Number 1: Physical – The bottom line is – I need to lose some weight by exercising more because I feel so much better and have more energy when I do. The reality is this: As I get closer to 40, I’ve noticed that my metabolism continues to slow down. And given the history of heart disease and diabetes in my family of origin, I need to make the number on the scale go down a bit.
            When I have run on a regular basis, I have greatly enjoyed it. The “runner’s high” is real and after about 3-4 weeks of running I feel really good. So my goals for the next 12 months are to run more. Specifically to commit to running in a few road races. I think the time is right to train for a ½ marathon. I am going to run a 5K in May in May (Med City 5K in Rochester on May 26), and 10K in June (Circle of Life 10K in Lake City on June 23rd) and the ½ Marathon in August (Saturday, August 25thRochester). They are close so I might as well.
            And I will specifically target weight loss early in the running plan so that I can reach my target weight by my brother-in-law’s wedding at the end of June.

Big Rock Number 2: MentalReading keeps me sharp. My goal for 2012 is to read 20 books. 4 each in the topics of Family Systems, Leadership, Preaching, Theology, and Young Adult/Fantasy (hey – Harry Potter can preach as well!). I’m still putting together my list but I did get 3 books on Family Systems and John Maxwell’s “Put Your Dream to the Test” from Amazon recently.

Big Rock Number 3: Social/Emotional – This big rock has always been the hardest for me to be specific about (you can insert your own joke about my emotional health being the hardest for me to maintain) because after work and family obligation I find it challenging to make time for this. I know that folks at church become friends and time with family is good for emotional health…but I’ve never found the best way to articulate this in a goal form. My initial thoughts for the next 12 months include connecting with my family. I’ve recently gotten interested in genealogy and I would like to take advantage of technology (like Skype) to connect with my extend family and learn some of the history of my people. I would also like to continue to open myself up to new friendships in Plainview and at Community Presbyterian Church. And somehow I think learning how to fish (since I’m in the land of 10000 lakes!) would be good for my emotional health…

Big Rock Number : Spiritual – This is one of my favorite “rocks” to spend time with. As I continue to grow in God’s grace, I will continue to commit to a life of daily prayer, using the first 30 minutes of each work day to ground myself in prayer in the beautiful sanctuary of Community Presbyterian Church. Some days I skip this because I feel to busy, and it affects my psyche. I would also like to figure out some way for me to engage in some form of personal bible study that is not just preparing to preach. Now that I am preaching every Sunday, I am reading more commentaries and delving deeper into the scriptures…but it is all a part of sermon prep. It seems to me that I need something more, or different at least. And finally, I feel compelled to once again start engaging the psaltar, my favorite book of the bible. I want to memorize 12 Psalms in the next 12 months.

In a couple of weekends I will be sitting down with the elders and deacons of Community Presbyterian Church for a leadership retreat and a time of strategic planning. I hope that we will be able to talk about the “big rocks,” the important things at Community Presbyterian Church that we need to focus on in the near and long-term future. I’m sure more will be said about that soon.

Thanks for reading!

Pastor John

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Good News

Read Mark 1:14-20

Here is an excerpt from my sermon - "Good News?" - preached on Sunday, January 22nd, 2012 at Community Presbyterian Church in Plainview, Minnesota:

“Jesus, according to Mark’s gospel, came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God and saying “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.”
            In these words, I hear an invitation to us. It is an invitation to follow…to follow Jesus Christ into a new life. It might be more dramatic than we can imagine to picture ourselves leaving everything we have to follow him (like the disciples in this story do), but I don’t hear that in the invitation to us. What I hear is the invitation to a new way of life, a way of life that is oriented towards God’s kingdom. Jesus invites us to repent (in other words to turn away from that which keeps us apart from God) and believe in the good news of Jesus Christ (turn towards the God we know in the person of Jesus Christ).
Jesus invites us into a way of life that is far richer and more abundant that a life we could create on our own. It’s not an easy life, a life without difficulty, but it is a life worth living. It’s a life in which we give the best of ourselves away, through service, through mission, through compassion, and find that love and mercy and grace are returned to us in abundance.
There was something compelling enough in Jesus’ invitation to the disciples that they dropped everything and followed him into a new way to live…”

For me, the compelling thing about Jesus message is that invited his disciples to be part of a new story, the unfolding of God's love made real and visible in the world in the person of Jesus Christ. Mark's gospel is pretty clear that the story being told is about the "good news of Jesus Christ (Mark 1:1).
The thing I think about a lot is that we also have a story to tell. And we need to work to make our story compelling enough that others hear in our story the invitation to follow and become disciples. 
I did a little experiment in worship this week. During the sermon, I asked the congregation to turn to one another and to share with others the story about when they made the decision to attend church on their own. When did you come to church because you wanted to, not because you were trying to please your parents (or your grandparents) and not because you were trying to impress someone? When did the church become a part of the story of who you are? I gave folks a minute, and it seemed well received. I don't know what exactly they talked about - but I do know that they weren't silent!
In order for us to tell a compelling story, we need to remind ourselves why the story is compelling to us. For me, I really don't remember a time in which I didn't enjoy going to church. As I recall (and my parents might disagree!) when my triplet sisters went to college and I became a freshman in high school (and somewhat like an only child!), my parents gave me the choice if I wanted to attend church or not. And for the most part I did attend. And I'm grateful for the First Presbyterian Church in Alliance, Nebraska and the community of saints there that kept me fed and nourished me as I grew. When I went to college, I didn't always attend church on Sunday least not until my future wife, Meg, needed a ride and I saw it as one more opportunity to spend time with her!
In other words, I have always been at home in church. And for me, I think that is important to be a part of a community of faith. Because there is something about struggling with things that matter together and being nourished and fed together that I think are important. 
Somewhere I have my favorite Kathleen Norris quote, which goes something like this. "I'd rather do something together with others and have it come out completely wrong, than do something alone and have it come out exactly right." I like this quote because I suspect that even if things go completely wrong in community, the experience of being and working together is a sacred and holy experience...and in most things holy and sacred, the precise definitions of "exactly right" and "completely wrong" are much harder for us to grasp. Doing things in community, together, matter. 
I guess you could say I believe that "Community Matters."

Pastor John